You Have to Want it

Text: Luke 15:20
So he set off and went to his father. But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him.  (NRSV)

God loves his broken messed up people he created so much…well, you know…so much that he sent his only Son to take away the sin of the world.  John tells us in his first letter, we know what love is because Jesus Christ laid down his life for us (1 John 3:16).  Paul tells us, “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8).

God has done everything necessary for our sins to be forgiven and for us to be in an intimate and loving relationship with him.  God has taken all the steps necessary for our salvation.  Well, he has taken all the steps necessary except one.  We still need to move toward God.  If we expect to be in a relationship with God, we must move toward him and seek him.

It really makes sense.  God has done everything else, but for a relationship to be a relationship, both parties in the relationship must want it.  All we have to do is desire the relationship, and God will run to us filled with compassion.  God will throw his arms around us and kiss us and welcome us home.

Pray with me:

God of love and God of compassion thank you for making a way for me to be in relationship with you.  Thank you for not putting hard tasks in the way that leads to your love.  Thank you for not creating restrictions that I could never meet.  Thank you for not making requirements that I could never achieve.  Thank you that all I have to do is desire to be with you and move toward your love.  AMEN.

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