Expecting God

Text: Galatians 1:15
But when God, who had set me apart before I was born and called me through his grace, was pleased… (NRSV)

Do you leave room in your life for God to shape your days as it pleases God?  I often wonder if I take the necessary time to let God unfold in my life that which pleases God.  I tend to rush from one thing to the next.  Many times, seeking to please God, as if I knew better than God what it is that would please him.  I don’t even ask, I just do.

Or worse yet, I rush from one thing to the next because these things please me.  I leave God out of the equation completely and only concern myself with my agenda.  I even try and fool myself by thinking that I am doing it all for God.

One of the ways in which we make room for God to shape our days as it pleases God is to expect God to show up everywhere we go.  If you are expecting God to be present, then you will be looking for God at every moment.  In this way, you avoid putting your agenda above that which pleases God.  In this way, you will tend to listen for God’s still small voice to speak into your spirit in each and every circumstance of your life.

Make room for God, not just in the usual places one would expect God to show up, make room for God at every moment of every day.

Pray with me:

God, remind me to slow down and make room for what pleases you.  Remind me to expect you to be present at every moment of every day.  Remind me to listen to your voice in my spirit and to place your agenda above my own.  AMEN.

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