Motivation for Continuing

Text: 2 Corinthians 5:14a
For the love of Christ urges us on… (NRSV)

What is your motivation for continuing on the narrow path that leads to life?  It is always easier to allow the current to move one along the river than it is to paddle against that same current. My wife and I enjoy kayaking.  When we have time to go, we almost always check the tide and current tables for any body of water that is affected by the same.  We plan our trip to begin with a paddle against the tide so that when we are returning, we might be carried along by a following tide when we have gotten tired.  If we are kayaking on a river that flows in only one direction, we will head upstream first so that we might be carried downstream at the end of the day.

Living the Christian life in a culture that is anything but Christian, is like kayaking against the current in both directions.  It can be extremely tiresome.  It would be so easy to allow one’s self to live a life that simply went with the flow. Therefore, it is so important to remind ourselves what our motivation is for living in a way that honors God in all that we do.

Paul tells the Corinthians that it is the love of Christ that urges him on.  Knowing how much Jesus loves him, encouraged Paul to continue in the way that Jesus had shown him.  If you read Paul’s writings to the Corinthians carefully, you can’t help but notice that Paul and those with him were treated poorly because of following Jesus (1 Corinthians 4:11-12).  But, knowing God’s love and receiving God’s approval was so much more important to them than receiving the approval and love of other people.  It is what motivated them to continue on the narrow way.

When it is easier to live by the standards of this broken world, does the love of Christ urge you to continue in His way?  When temptations to take the easy way out come and no one is looking, does the love of Christ urge you to continue in His way?  Does knowing that Jesus loved you so much that he gave himself up for you motivate you to serve selflessly as His disciple?

Pray with me:

God, may the love you have for me as demonstrated in Christ, keep me on the narrow path that leads to life.  AMEN.

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