Our Response

Text: Matthew 12:13
Then he said to the man, ‘Stretch out your hand.’ He stretched it out, and it was restored, as sound as the other. (NRSV)

Do you have in your mind that when you call on God that God will simply do for you without any response from you?  I’m trying to think of a single story where Jesus performed a miracle without the action of someone else being involved.  Perhaps you can come up with one but, I cannot.

The closest I can think of was the resurrection of Lazarus; but even then, Jesus called for Lazarus to come forth and he responded.  Even if you can come up with one miracle story in the Bible where there was no other participation aside from Jesus, I think the norm, if one can say that about miracles, is that Jesus called for some sort of response.  Stretch out your hand, wash in the pool, go and show yourself to the priests, she reached out and touched his garment…  All these things were responses to Jesus and a sort of partnering with him in the act of healing.

What is it that you are asking of God?  What is it God has placed on your heart to do in response?  What next steps will you take by faith to be partners with God in your own answered prayer?

Pray with me:

God, I pray for wholeness and healing in my life, place on my heart the next steps I should take to join you in the answer to my prayer.  AMEN.

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