Dust on Your Clothes

Text: Matthew 20:28a
…the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve… (NRSV)

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are called to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.  In fact, the word disciple means one who follows.  There is a blessing that is often given to a disciple in Judaism, “May you be covered in the dust of your master.”  This is talking about the disciple following so close to their teacher that the dust from the teacher’s feet covers the disciple's clothing.

If Jesus came to serve, then he sends us to serve.  Really when we serve others in Jesus name, we are serving Jesus.  But what does it mean to serve others?  Well, it certainly means putting others needs and concerns above our own.  Jesus did this to the point of giving his physical life up for others.  I’m not necessarily saying that we should give our physical lives up for others but, we should be willing to rearrange our schedules for others.

Jesus' main purpose was to demonstrate the love of God for God’s created people and make a way for the relationship between God and fallen humanity to be reconciled.  Jesus believed that loving was the most important thing in life.  In fact, he said that if you loved God with all that you are and loved others with the same kind of love with which God loved you, you would be obeying all the law of God and the words of God’s prophets (see Matthew 22:34-40).

We are called to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.  We are called to demonstrate God’s love to the world and point to Jesus who has reconciled the world to God through his sacrifice.  We do this by serving others in ways of love.  We do this by putting ourselves last in sacrificial ways that give others the opportunity to know Jesus and the love of God in their lives.

Pray with me:

Lord, when I think my calendar is more important than other people’s relationship with you, remind me of all you gave up so that I might know your love in my life.  Give me the strength and the courage to love others as you have loved me as I seek to follow in your footsteps.  AMEN.

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