What Really Matters

Text: Luke 18:41a
‘What do you want me to do for you?’ (NRSV)

I sometimes wonder if we understand our own needs.  We live in such a broken world that is so far from the truth of God that I wonder if we really see what we need from God.  I believe that we are so blinded by what the world calls justice and rightness—what the world calls important, that we don’t understand God’s ways--we don't understand what really matters.

Jesus is always asking us the question, “What do you want me to do for you?”.  But until we understand the ways of God, we will answer that question with things that matter little in the Kingdom of Heaven.  We will answer with such things as, “Let me make more money” or, “Help me find a new home”, or “Give me the desires of my heart.”

But what we should be asking is for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.  We should be asking for the grace of God’s forgiveness to be made a reality for our enemies.  We should be asking for the courage and strength to care for the needs of the less fortunate.  We should be asking for our eyes to be opened to the ways of God.

What is it that you want Jesus to do for you?  Are you looking for a more comfortable life in this world of darkness and corruption or, are you looking to be fitted for a life in the Kingdom of God’s love, grace, peace, and righteousness?

Pray with me:

God, forgive me when all my prayers focus on my comforts in this world that has rebelled against you.  Open my eyes to that which is important in your Kingdom so that I might focus my prayers and my life on what really matters.  AMEN.

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