January 4th, 2021
- Text: 2 Timothy 4:2
proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time is favorable or unfavorable… (NRSV)
What does it mean to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ? As a preacher, I think about that a lot. Each week I write what amounts to a short research paper on a topic that always has something to do with Jesus and what I believe to be his message for us.
But I don’t believe that this Bible passage is written only to preachers. I believe that the responsibility to “proclaim” the message is for all disciples of Jesus Christ. For me, we most clearly proclaim the message of Jesus by living in a way that is consistent with Jesus. When we live out the love of God for the world, we are proclaiming the message of Jesus Christ.
On the flip side, when we confess ourselves to be Christians and don’t live out the love of Jesus for the world, we proclaim a false message of who Jesus is. Unfortunately, too many Christians only live out the message of Jesus Christ when times are favorable. When times are hard and unfavorable, we are prone to revert to our old selves and live out of our brokenness. It is hard to love when we are living out of our brokenness.
In these words of Paul to Timothy, may we also be reminded to live out the love of God in both the favorable and the unfavorable times of our lives. May we proclaim the message of Jesus Christ in all that we do in each day of our lives.
Pray with me:
Lord God, fill me with your love so that I might be a vessel of your love to others. May my life be a testimony of the message of your Son, Jesus the Christ in the times that are both favorable and unfavorable. AMEN.
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