Take it to the Lord

Text: Luke 6:12-13
Now during those days he went out to the mountain to pray; and he spent the night in prayer to God.  And when day came, he called his disciples and chose twelve of them, whom he also named apostles: (NRSV)

Linda and I have been in the “parsonage system” of the United Methodist Church for nearly 25 years.  What that means is that we have been living in other people’s houses for most of that time.  We owned a house before I became a pastor and when I was the Director of the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference’s 9/11 Long-Term Recovery Program, we had a housing allowance and bought a home during that time.  But, today, we find ourselves in someone else’s home again and we are about to retire.  So, that means we have been looking and looking and looking for a place of our own.

When Jesus had a tough decision, he did not design elaborate spread sheets comparing income, fixed expenses, discretionary spending, interest rates, real estate taxes, potential future repairs over a five-year period, and location, location, location like “some” people I know.  Jesus went out to a lonely place on a mountain and prayed.

Jesus, who was very God of very God, knew that the most important thing before making a major decision was to consult with his Father in deep and long prayer waiting to hear the still small voice that speaks into one’s spirit when any of us do the same.

The next verse tells us that Jesus then chose 12 of those who had been following him and called them Apostles.  If you know anything about the background of most of the 12, you will also know that human wisdom would have never chosen such a group of misfits and malcontents.  God’s wisdom is not our wisdom which is another reason to take all the big decisions (little ones too) to the Lord in prayer.

I think I might just tear up those spread sheets and spend a little more time in prayer.

Pray with me:

God of love and God of wisdom speak your words of wisdom into my spirit when I come to you seeking to know the best way to handle what ever comes my way in life.  AMEN.

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